The process of reusing heat that is rejected from the refrigeration is known as Waste Heat Recovery (WHR).

In all applications we can remove the heat from the discharged gases which usually operate between 80˚c and 100˚c. The heat is then used to pre-heat the water which is stored in a tank before being pumped into the hot water system. This heat would usually be removed from the condenser and blown into the atmosphere.

Normally water entering the hot water service from a town supply or bore would be around 20˚c and has to be heated to above 80˚c. By using the preheated water from the WHR (usually 50˚c – 60˚c ) we can greatly reduce the energy required to supply your hot water.

Any existing refrigeration plant can be retro-fitted. AHR can design, specify and fit the correct components to suit your current system and requirements.